Friday, January 13, 2012

Vulgarity - Why the %$#& Not?

(content warning. strong language. hopefully with the title, that's a given)


Damn. Hell. Fuck. Shit. Ass. Bitch. Bastard. (that was quick, right?)

What was your reaction just now, reading that? Did you feel outraged? Did you think it was an obnoxious display of gratuity? Did you consider closing out of this blog right then and there?

Any of those reactions are plausible, and really, they're understandable. Well, actually, sort of. Yeah, they're understandable in the immediate sense of the word, I mean, you can relate. "Swear words" are offensive and often make people uncomfortable; or at least shock them a bit. But in the true sense of the word, is that really UNDERSTANDABLE? Yes, you can sympathize with the notion of swear words holding some dangerous, hurtful connotations, but do you really understand why? If you do, clearly you should be writing this blog, because me scratching this surface here is about as deep as my proverbial drill goes. So just for kicks and giggles (my S-bomb ammo is already out), let me give you some food for thought. I found it on this scratch-covered surface.

Yes, those words are offensive. Let me offer a late apology to all of the elderly mink-coat, hand-monocle wearing British ladies I just imagined fainting after reading the beginning of this entry. Now let me offer an apology to all of the still conscious people who just had to read that last sentence. Now let me apologize to Ms. A for making her read this blog entry. Damn, what was I saying? (oops, sorry again, british mink monocle ladies) Right. Those words are offensive. But why?

It baffles me the way certain words are considered outrageous and awful, and others aren't. Yes, the F-bomb is horrible and offensive, I understand that. But can anyone explain to me why? Or at very least, how that was decided? Words are all the same thing: a combination of letters/sounds. D-U-C-K. Awh, isn't that sweet, how cute, everyone loves waterfowl! Kick out that "D", drop in an "F" and suddenly you can't hear it in a theater until you're 17.

Was there a conference where they just decided what words were taboo and which were acceptable? I can only assume that at one point there was a table full of sophisticated men in important people business suits, sitting about a table with a couple of old moncole mink coat ladies, and they just shot off ideas.
...can I hear that one again?
The word was "ass", sir.
...what an absolutely dreadful, unpleasant sounding word! We shall not have it!
(British mink monocle ladies faint in unison)

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