Friday, January 13, 2012

I Hate Most People (and most people hate me)

It's strange how much I dislike people at their core. I consider myself to enjoy life for the most part. In fact, I have no serious qualms with society or anything, as much as this blog would leave you to believe otherwise, mainly due to the fact that I've learned to be okay with the fact that most people, organizations, religions, businesses, and about any other sect... all suck. And though I can now take this in stride and live life to the fullest, when I sit down and think about it, man, I seriously hate people.

Perhaps the thing that makes people so hateable is we're capable of just about anything. No one really hates dogs because they're not smart enough to get into your head. Many hate cats, but that's because cats are awful. But people, we're so intelligent (speaking in relative terms...) that we are constantly pushing the boundaries of our freedom, constantly manipulating, constantly testing consequences; ultimately, constantly trying to do nothing but satisfy ourselves. I simultaneously love and hate it.

First let me assure you that I am quite happy with the species that I ended up in, and I would much prefer this sect of the animal kingdom to an unaware, yet probably quite pleasant existence as a housepet, or awesome jungle monkey. I recognize the total greatness of what we as a species are able to do, and that our accomplishments are a complete product of our freedom. This freedom, like most other good things, comes as a dual edged sword. Along with the ability to solve horrible diseases and impossibly prolong our own existence, we also hold the ability to make fart noises with our mouths, or argue over what episode of Two and a Half Men is best (answer: none).

But unfortunately, I have this same free will everyone else does. I too, have the freedom of abstract thought, self serving mentality and fleeting conscience. Perhaps if I was alone on this planet, this way of operating would work out perfectly for me. Actually, it would; I've gone over this in my head. I'd be the president of no one and I'd sit on a giant 10 story high trash mound in a desolate world like the one in Wall-E and watch movies all day. Which are all starring, written and directed by me.

I'm not alone in this world, however. So essentially, I just have to deal with the fact that deep down, everyone is out to serve their own best interest, and more often than not, they will piss me off. Fine, I can do that. I'll just harbor resentment in the meantime.

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