Friday, February 3, 2012

How to BS an AP Lang Blog Entry (Patterns of Development Part 1 – Process Analysis)

The AP Language Comprehension offered course plays an incredibly vital role in the sculpting of a proficient language arts student.  One necessity entailed by enrollment in this class (AP Language Comprehension, for those who forgot) is the routine maintenance and completion of an AP Language Comprehension “blog”. This is essentially an expansive collection of different writing samples that both show off your writing skills and hopefully fulfill course requirements while simultaneously generating thoroughly entertaining literature for your readers while applying the immensely important terms of language expected to be learned by aspiring scholars participating in AP Language Comprehension. In the following article I will give a comprehensive breakdown of the imperative abilities and concepts that you should attempt to grasp if seeking  to be prosperous in the class of AP Language Comprehension.

·         Have a long drawn out introduction paragraph. This not only demonstrates an incredibly impressive understanding of the ever-popular “beginning, middle, end” model employed in many articles of writing, especially in AP Language Comprehension, but it also is very effective in knocking out some of that much maligned word count minimum enforced by your likely fabulous instructor in the course of AP Language Comprehension.

·         Use the largest words at your immediate disposal. If you have a massive arsenal of vocabulary words at your disposal, using the most obnoxiously descriptive, yet still applicable term is a great way to make your teacher in AP Language Comprehension, and potential readers go, “Wow! This guy is a total douche!”. Not only that, but this practice can also give writers additional, deeper emotional insight into your life, perhaps allowing your most adept fans to infer from the sentence “I valiantly removed myself from divan and acquired a beaker of aqua, afore hesitating to scuff my irritated anus, which was urgently without a scuff prior to such event” not only that you got out of bed and scratched your ass, but connoting that your probably own a thesaurus.

·         Reiterate yourself as much as possible. Repeat yourself as many times as you can without it coming off as horribly obvious that you are just attempting to drain your word count. Always use the longest possible variant of each word; never NY, New York. In the class of AP Language Comprehension, it is very important to know these tricks of the trade.

·         Never write more than you have to. Set yourself a word limit, and once achieved, simply

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