Friday, October 21, 2011

A Blog Post About Nothing (couldn't think of a Seinfeld pun)

This blog has been aggravating as a whole. When I can think of something to write, it seems to flow effortlessly from my mind to the keyboard. Once I get going I'll rarely pause to ponder an idea or weigh options in my head. I just sort of record an organized stream of consciousness. There's something very satisfying about writing this way, it feels so natural and I'm so pleased with the results that it makes it hard to force an unnatural post when I really need to start getting some more down towards my count. I had a few different analogies of varying greatness and political correctness that I drew to mind here and I couldn't choose one, so let me break here briefly...

  • ...i liken this experience to this thing about sex and ecstasy i've heard a few times. in this case, sex = writing and free will = ecstasy; reasonable enough, right? so everyone seems to like intercourse pretty good and dandy, but after having executed said activity while under the influence of a very illegal, very unhealthy entactogenic such as ecstacy, it has been suggested that it is so sensational that people are no longer able to comfortably engage in such behavior without the aid of the drug. (maybe not this one.)
  •'s almost as if writing is akin to taking a dump. when you're about to go on a long car ride and your parents urge, "you better use the restroom before we go! we're not stopping!", there is nothing pleasant about the  experience. it feels feigned and often takes painful exertion to achieve any results at all. the truly memorable poops take place when you are swept over by a sudden wave of inspiration, drop everything you're doing and rush to the nearest bathroom... and it just flows. clean, expressive, relieving and just as nature intended.
  • ...i draw parallels here with the rocky relationship between South Korea and North Korea, which...

Actually, I'm just going to go with the pooping one.

Another point: I consitently write blog entries in the neighborhood of 800 words, while I'm only required a minimum of 300. I have the equivalent of ~20 blogs typed up, yet I only have 9 in the gradebook. In fact, now, I think whenever I get to 300 words I'm just going to

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