Sunday, October 23, 2011

Why the Packers Will Repeat (pt. 1) - The Blog No One Will Read

I've done my best since the birth of this humble blog to not write about the Packers. It just seems tacky, for whatever reason. Where as I like to think my blogs are articulate, witty, reflective, intellectual, perceptive and totally devoid of unnecessary vocab words and ego petting, sports (namely NFL football [more aptly the Green Bay Packers] ) seems to essentially make me revert to a dumb, simpleton one-track mindset who screams at inanimate objects. Namely TVs, although I've yelled at a few poorly placed stools, or ceilings, while celebrating. However, I can not repress this part of myself any longer. The Packers are going to win the freaking Super Bowl and I will tell you why. No cute wordplay, no wacky twist ending and no thesaurus. Just a guy in a Rodgers jersey with a lot to say and no one that will listen (thanks internet!).


It all starts at quarterback. The NFL is a quarterback driven league, now, more so than some teams may like to believe. In fact, I firmly believe regardless of how talented a team is as a whole, there is no way to win it all without an elite quarterback. It's impossible. You have to all the way back to the 2002 Ravens, who surrounded mediocre quarterback Trent Dilfer with one of the greatest defenses of ALL time, as well as outstanding offensive weapons; and they just barely pulled that one. No team from that point forward has been lead by a quarterback who at very least had not been graced with a Pro-Bowl berth. Adrian Peterson is the highest paid runningback in the league right now, making a quarterback-sized contract of seven years for ~$100 million dollars. Larry Fitzgerald,  the best wideout in the league, is signed to a similarily ridiculous 8-year $120 million deal. Combined record of their teams?  2 wins, 12 losses. Case in point.

If it all starts at quarterback, the Packers should be just fine. Aaron Rodgers will be a Hall of Fame quarterback, and will have his shot at being the best of all time. Mark it down. Rodgers is the all-time qualified NFL leader in the categories of career QB rating, career yards per pass attempt, career touchdown to interception ratio, and lots of other lovely things like that. The kicker? He's still peaking. This season, Rodgers has topped his previous season high of five 300+ yard passing games... in seven games. Boom. 

And weapons? We got lots of em. Aaron Rodgers has an extremely talented receiving group, compromised of Greg Jennings, an All-Pro, Jordy Nelson, league leader in touchdown catches over 80 yards this year, Donald Driver, savvy veteran who churns out tough yards, James Jones, an athletic deep threat who excels at making guys miss, and rookie Randall Cobb who shows explosion and elite speed. Also, we sort of have this 6'5 Jermichael Finley guy at tight end, and he's as fast as a wide receiver and can jump as high as Randy Moss. We treat our quarterbacks good hurr in Wisky.

Talk about defense? I'd love to, but this is already way over 300 words. Some day.

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