Monday, October 31, 2011

Music - It's Great.

I was texting a girl (*cue 80s sitcom studio audience "ooooOOOOohhh!"*) and she asked me a question I really loved. She asked me what my favorite thing was. I didn't quite know what to make of that question. You could ask me my ideal room temperature at any given time and I'll immediately respond 72 degrees Fahrenheit. You might inquiry as to what year in history I would most prefer to occupy, and I will not hesitate to let you know that it'd be 80,085, because that's in the future and it looks like "boobs" on a calculator. But a question as simple as "What's your favorite thing?" somehow stopped me in my tracks.

You wouldn't understand the music I listen to.

I argued with myself for a bit on the matter. I like hanging out with people, but I also hate most people most times. I like the computer, but that's kind of anti-social, not to mention broad. I like football, but I'm pretty sure I can go days without it. What's the one thing I don't go a day without doing? Pissing! But that'd make a terrible blog post! So instead, I chose listening to music, which I also do every day! Awesome! Exclamation mark!

I love music. It's wonderful. It's seriously fantastic. There are many other superlatives I'd like to use in brief three word sentences but I feel that'd become tedious. But music is the best. This isn't my best writing. Moving on. It's difficult to explain the way music makes me feel. I hear some people say music makes them sad, others say it makes them happy, a phonophobiac told me music always threw him into a violent rage. For me, music doesn't really elicit any emotion from me. More than anything, music fills a void for me; just sort of settles me into a contentment. I'm not sure what I gain from listening to music, but at any given moment I'd rather be listening to it than not.

I've found through experience that music says a lot about a person. Initially, I'd just notice someone listening to the same kind of music I liked and I'd start a conversation with them because, hey, that's the kind of music I liked. However, when I'd initiate these conversations, I'd notice that they were some of the better conversations I'd had; legitimately involving, interesting, relatable conversations, often with people I only vaguely knew! This happened for years, at least consciously unbeknownst to me, before I started to connect the dots. I've come to the conclusion that the music one listens to has a strong bearing on their character, and I've equipped this theory like a sword and shield in my social life as of late. Not to say that any music preference is superior to any other, as much as I feel those who both enjoy the grungy thrashings of "Tool", or both enjoy the nonsensical moan-yelling of "The Strokes" (this guy!) will most likely be far more partial to each other than a "Metallica" enthusiast and a "Dixie Chicks" roadie might be. I bet they'll do studies. Either way, music is great! Three cheers for my most poorly written entry thus far! Hip, hip!


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