Monday, February 20, 2012

Be Happy

Life is stressful. I haven't blogged in a while, probably because I'm a lazy turd. For this return to the blogosphere, I'm going to temporarily set aside my anecdotal writing style (and my barrage of witty parenthetical asides [damnit] ) and seriously just write what's been on my mind.

For someone who is as frequently sardonic and douchey as I, many would be surprised to realize how really happy of a person I am. In fact, at times I worry I'm too damn happy. When I see people get horribly upset, say they're stressed out, or barrage my Twitter timeline with impassioned "FML"s, I can't empathize. Sometimes, I even want to, know what it's like to care about other things more than yourself. But I'm a self-serving, egomaniac who loves so very many things, and I just can't help but be happy.

At it's core, life is beautiful. I'm not a devout believer in any greater good or higher moral compass, but instead think life is a natural process meant to be strip-mined and exploited of all the euphoric joy, raw emotion, simple pleasures and general contentedness possible. So much time is spent worrying instead of doing, acting. Life will take its toll eventually so the best course of action is to simply love it while it's there, and I do everything I can to fulfill this mindset.

For most, high school is likely your last opportunity to engage in extracurricular activities, yet I see so many people doing things they hate. Athletes playing sports they hate, students too nervous to try out for the club they've always wanted to be a part of... You're already doing shit you hate in school, how can you not embrace an opportunity to be a part of things you love?

Be happy, and make the world a happy place. Do things for others. I guarantee it'll make you feel good. Be who you are an associate with who makes you happy. Your life will change once you stop trying to be everything you think you should be and start being everything you are. Just be happy. This sounds cheesy, but I mean every word. Be happy!

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