Monday, February 27, 2012

Whatever the Opposite of Retrospect Is

I did a blog entry last term on thinking in retrospect. For those not familiar with the term, allow me to hack away at my word count with a detailed explanation. Retrospect, which is essentially "retroactive" "speculation", which would literally come out to something around the lines of thinking about the past. Thinking in retrospect is when you sit there and worry about all of the things you could have done differently in life, in specific situations, in life paths, in vital decisions; any of that, despite the fact that it's essentially pointless to do so given that there's nothing you can do about it at that point. In retrospect, I probably should have written more blog entries in the first half of the term, but there's nothing I can do about it now, so I'll just power-shit out random thoughts like this one.

Now that I've comprehensively defined retrospect, let me tell you about a different idea. Instead of wishful thinking towards your past, I find myself constantly guilty of quite the opposite. I've dubbed it anterospect, which utilizes the root word for the future that I just googled the heck out of. Anterospect, in my life, being that I spend copious amounts of time thinking about all of the fantastic things I'm going to do one day. I'm finally going to apply myself to my studies. Finally going to go on that week long roadtrip. Finally going to finish that novella I've written 5 pages of.

I don't ever get around to it. It's so easy to look at the things you hate right now, and think quite decisively that you want them to be different. It's comforting to look at the future, a beautiful, long, untarnished white slate that you can paint your wildest fantasies on. Or in my case, my reasonable expectations. But I don't get around to it, ever, because I'm a lazy turd. The moral of this story is to never expect things from yourself because you will only be disappointing one more person in your life; yourself. Read that one to your kids, bitches.

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