Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tempering Expectations - A Venture in Self-Justification, Quality Control and Big Words

As this term has gone on, this blog has been like a child to me. Sure, I didn't really want it at first, but once I realized I was stuck with it, I learned to love it for what it is. Ha. However, as it currently stands I am raising a potential future sociopathic, serial-killer of a blog. It seems that I'll neglect it for days, even weeks at a time; perhaps stopping by a few times to contemplate writing, but ultimately leaving it in that dark, cold, secret attic of my internet browser. Then, when the mood finally strikes me, I'll literally spend hours upon hours, meticulately crafting the perfect blog entry, only realizing after I have spent immeasurable time lavishing my blog with an entry full of niceties that perhaps all along my blog would have preferred to be attended to regularly rather than be starved in the attic for a week, then sporadically begin awarded a luxorious steak dinner. I mean, child. Is it still a child? There was some dinner in there too. It's apparent after 13 blog entries I've exhausted every brilliant analogy in my arsenal. I knew I should have saved the ecstasy and sex for it's own separate entry (bet you want to read the rest of my blogs now, right bro?).

I'm running out of personal photos to manipulate.

With my traditional bar-setting (thank god, in this case) intro paragraph out of the way, I'll cut to the chase. 


But really, as impressive as my 13 blog entries thus far clearly are... they represent roughly 13/30ths of the entries I need to have completed by finals. Well, actually, in actual actuality, there is no rough estimate. That's exactly how many I have done, and I need seventeen more. Neither of those previously stated numbers are good numbers. So while I love to put together the expansive essays that I have for you guys in the past, eventually I was going to have to hunker down and write some dumbass entries about tempering expectations to go along with the ones about sex & ecstasy if I plan on passing this course.

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