Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Everyday Effects of my iPod

My birthday came and went on November 7th. For the first time in my life, there really were no flairs or figurative fireworks. I was given a credit card and told to buy whatever clothes I wanted, and I told my parents to buy me an iPod. They did, which put me on my 5th so far (lost, broken, stolen, broken). I've made it clear before on this blog that I love music, a lot, and a constant stream of it in my ears regardless of location is something that keeps me in good spirits. However, after about 4 months of not having one after it broke this summer, I began to get used to it. Eventually I almost forgot how freaking awesome iPods were. Then I remembered.
thanks mom and dad :)

My iPod enhances my day in every possible way. Every part of boring, mundane life is suddenly pumped full of vibrant, animated life when I turn the music on.

Making the long trek from the Lovely Lane parking lot to Kennedy High School in the cold fall morning. God this is boring and/or miserable.
Add some good alternative rock, and all of sudden I'm in the intro to an indie movie. The streets might as well be animated like in the intro to Juno. I'm no longer thinking about how freaking cold I am. Nature is beautiful. Is it just my imagination, or are my steps beautifully rhythmic?

Taking a dump. God it smells awful in here. I'm uncomfortable. This toilet seat is weirdly warm. Oh, oh... yep, there we go. Here comes a little more. Oh, would you look at that, there's no toilet paper...
Add some hard rap, and all of a sudden I'm pooping like a true gangster. I'm bumping my head to the beat, and I don't even care how bad it smells in there. I'm definitely weighing out the benefits of getting into some hardcore drug dealing. Plop. I made that poop my female dog. No toilet paper? No problem. No one likes me anyway, nothing a little bold scent will change.

In math class. Good lord this is boring. Should I take a restroom break and exchange filthy banter on the walls of the bathroom stalls again? No, I did that yesterday. I guess I'll just stare blankly into space for 30 minutes.
Add some good music, and all of a sudden I'm actually occupied for the first time all hour. I'm still in math class, but, it's an iPod, not a holy grail.

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