Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Hope They're Not Getting Paid for This One

Ever watch an episode of a TV show where they've clearly just mailed it in for the season? The writers have already written, say, 26 episodes, and they're really running dry on content. So they shoot a cute little introduction scene that makes everything seem just as usually scheduled, and then all of a sudden you notice something is horribly, horribly wrong. It's a clip show. The second the characters begin to even audibly contemplate reminiscing of old times, you totally give up hope. You are about to be in store for a compilation of already published material, I mean, already aired television, repackaged with a pretty bow and pushed as a new episode. Oh, the nerve.

Say, do you guys remember my very first blog?

Caring Too Much: An Affliction

It's interesting to see how far I've come since then. First, it's abundantly clear to me now that the ideas I established in jest there were far more dangerous than I'd ever understand. That gorgeous little blog entry was actually the only entry I wrote the entire first half of the term. I somehow thought that by cutely observing my lack of work ethic, and successfully diagnosing the underlying issue, I would somehow alleviate all possible issues pertaining to my workload. I later discovered that telling someone they have a fatal, imminent disease does NOT cure them of its horrible symptoms.

Haha, yeah, but you remember that time he did a serious blog?!
Upon My Death - Not a Satire Piece

I really liked writing this one. I got to flesh out some mature ideas without the aid of stupid analogies or hilarious jokes for once, and really flex my writing chops unadulterated for the first time. I know that it probably wasn't as entertaining for most as the rest of my blog entries, and because I intend for my blog to be a constant source of entertainment for my wonderful friends, family, and according to my pageviews list, fans in Germany, it's probably not something I'll come back to right away. That, and it's actually a lot more difficult without my awesome wit and wonderful charm to lean on as a crutch. However, it IS a 3 parter, and I promise there are still at LEAST two blog entries full of thoughts on the matter yet to be expressed.

That all reminds me of the time Marty took on the Illuminati!
Illuminati - Congratulations, Scientology, you're no longer the stupidest train of thought practiced!

I like to be cutting-edge when it suits me. Although there is certainly a lot of satisfaction in taking a microscope to massive concepts like, say for instance, pooping, and writing extensive essays on those, there is something lovely about running at that current, super relevant piece of pop culture phenomena with a broad-ax. Plus, the embedded soundtrack was a beautiful touch.

Roll credits.

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