Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Things That Bother Me and I Hope Also Bother You So We Can All Relate - The Space-filling Blog

As you can probably tell by reading this blog, I hate a lot of things. Unfortunately, not ALL of these things have quite enough substance to break down into a 500 word blog entry, or at least not comfortably. Don't think for a second, however, that these ideas are not brilliant in their own right! In fact, in sort of a "Island of Misfit Toys"-esque blog entry, I will share with you some of the annoyances that just didn't quite make the much vaunted cut of Diaries of an Indifferent White Man. Until now!

  • When you're eating a hot dog, and a disproportionate blog of ketchup drips off of the end portion and gets on your shirt.
  • The way you can scald your tongue for one second on a hot beverage, and it will still painfully inhibit your taste senses days later.
  • People who constantly say "facebook is lame now! follow me on twitter!!! @terriblegenerictwittername" somehow not recognizing that Facebook and Twitter serve completely different purposes and can coexist peacefully.
  • Jeff Dunham, and the way his terrible jokes and mediocre impressions are somehow masked to the public eye by puppets. Didn't we get over that whole phenomena at the age of 6?
  • How as much you hate to admit it, you really don't like that restaurant/book/tv show/song/band/ as much now that everybody else knows about / loves it too.
  • The fact that for some reason mediocre rappers, guys who are not capable of sounding decent reading words rhythmically over a pre-produced instrumental, are given unlimited opportunities to act. 
  • Facebook's constant desire to change everytime we get used to it. We get it, you are very talented programmers. Stop mucking with my newsfeed.
  • People who think making racist/offensive/morbid jokes are funny because they're being edgy. Yes, I know you saw the four funny cartoon boys on the telebishon do it, but you clearly don't have the tact of Eric Cartman. 
  • Much is made of "nerds", or intellectuals, being discriminated against, but in this day and age I almost feel as if there's a much larger negative stigma associated with athletes. They were never really all charmless, awkward pencil pushers, and we're not really all near-retarded, blow-up doll banging alcoholics. Yes, I'm speaking for athletes. Shut up.
  • I have got a lot more blogs to write.

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