Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Political Media - The One I Cut Into Two Posts Only For The Sake of Inflating Entries (Part 1 of 2)

I'm aware that I'm not broaching any new territory here with this blog post; anyone with an opinion will probably tell you that at large the media bias is out of control. It's a bit sad that something as pure and essential as news has been needlessly tainted by prejudice and careful skewing by the big wings, left, right, and unfortunately in this case, NOT everything in between. For me personally, this is no longer a big deal. Anyone who only gets their news from one source is either waiting to be mislead or making sure they only hear what pleases them. However, deep down, it's still bothersome that this is the way news media is, and is likely the way it will stay throughout history, despite the fact that it really doesn't need to be that way.

Everything and anything is subject to media spin. It seems as if Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant before marriage!

  This, of course, makes her more identifiable with the common family, 
everybody has some dark family issues! 

Wait, no, if she can't manage her own family,
how could she manage the country's highest political office?!

This just in, there has been a massive oil spill into the gulf!

Once again, big business has found a way to carelessly
destroy the environment we love so much.

Louisiana congress has still yet to take a stand in
the restoration of their gulf!

Breaking news! An elderly man died peacefully of natural causes!

Is Obama doing enough to protect our senior population!?
Does he hate old people!?!

Once again, hard-headed Republicans cost our nation
another life by refusing to fund stem-cell research.

Recently, a controversy of this sort was started when presidential hopeful Rick Perry sputtered during a nationally televised debate. He was answering a question regarding which departments of government he'd like to overhaul, first specifying that there was to be three, and soon himself unable to remember the final department he intended to list (he gathered himself later in the debate and recalled that it was ). It was embarrassing. Sure, maybe it made him look a little bit stupid. And perhaps it's even warranting of national attention; I know I at least found it entertaining. But it was a mistake, a natural error! Really, it was an innocent one at that, to assume suddenly because you're running for president you are less prone to losing your train of thought than anyone else is ridiculously absurd.When did it become inexcusable to be human?!

Clearly it did at some point, because I was soon conducting on interview on the matter with FOX-KFXA 28/CBS 2 News...

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