Sunday, May 27, 2012

Moving On

I am, and have been for most of my self-aware lifespan, of the opinion that human connections are the foundation of our happiness and fulfillment. I suppose it's also likely that this does not apply to everyone, that all every person expects different things from life and that as a consequence, this entry may be not be totally relatable to everyone that reads it. But, for me, it's with total confidence that I can say there is nothing as sacred, moving or powerful as human connection.

I guess that's also called being social. There's just something incomparable to sharing thoughts with a fellow human being. Making someone laugh, disclosing a personal secret, gossiping about some bitchez you hate, telling a story, debating a hot topic. For someone like me, there is no relationship nor no activity so mentally stimulating.

Over the span of my young life, I've actively sought out, built up and lived in the friendships and relationships I've accumulated. They start for different reasons: common interests, physical attractions, self-serving alterior motives... sometimes intangible qualities. They all take different courses, will all meet different ends. Some relationships are comfortably casual & inconsequential; maybe you know each other through mutual friends and exchange rare quips on matters that concern the both of you. These come and go without notice, the people you mildly enjoy while they're there, but certainly won't miss when they're gone. Some relationships are spontaneous and exciting; like a brilliant firework show. A chance of a spark goes off between two relative strangers and for a brief time, an electricity of foreignness and unknown adventure envelope the two. Eventually, the peope learn everything there is to learn about the other and a relationship predecated on the luster of fun and mystery fades anticlimatically (not always mutually). Some relationships are beautiful. People who click on a psychological, intellectual & physical level; who share the same passions, maybe. Who make each other happy, usually. Who share a connection so perfect that it teeters on addiction. Always.

Of course, with this last example, I was alluding to romance. Though my tone of deep seated apathy and careful self presentation of an eternal cynic may oftentimes obscure this, I am a romantic.

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