Sunday, May 27, 2012

Self-Awareness pt. 1

One thing that a lot of people take for granted is their mental health. Not like, their sanity, but their general state of mind. I'm not one of those people. I thank the world whenever I get the chance that I am able to know myself so intimately. But there's lots of people who don't. That reads multiple ways, I just realized, but both of them are right. There are lots of people who don't know themselves as intimately as I do, and there are lots of people who do, but just take it for granted.

As I launched this tirade of... Let me start again, thought of a cuter sentence. As I embarked on this journey fueled entirely on self-loathing about an hour ago, I began it by talking about all of the things that are wrong with me. I detailed how, though I was seemingly powerless in taking any action towards these flaws, I at least knew them with all possible degree of intimacy. A lot of people simply don't have this luxury; or burden, perhaps.

It comes in many ways. Plenty of people aren't able to look at themselves through an unbiased eye. In fact, I'd suppose no one can look at themselves without a hint of bias, but the extent of this obviously varies a great deal. Some people are flat out delusional. This happens for a smorgasbord of reasons.

Some are just stupid. It sounds bad, I don't care. Some people are just not intelligent enough to look at themselves in the black and white. They are either not capable of the critical thinking skills necessary to create a great understanding of yourself, or are simply not interested in them. These people, incidentally, are some of the happier people I've met. So it goes.

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